The Renovations are Finished (almost)

We finished the renovations a few weeks ago, for the most part. There are no towel or toilet paper holders, the trim isn’t done in the master bathroom, and the powder room has no mirror, but it’s very livable. We’ve been working on the back yard and garden since shortly after we moved in, making it an outdoor oasis.

The living room, kitchen, and master bedroom are the the most complete as we had enough furniture to equip them nicely. That is after our lucky $48 counter height table find that goes perfectly with the counter height chairs from the breakfast bar in my condo.

The dining and family rooms are another thing though. We have a beautiful dining table with two nice chairs and a couple of awesome folding chairs. We’ve pretty much picked out the chairs we want, but have yet to pull the trigger and get them. The family room has been used for storage since we moved in, but we don’t have anything but a TV and stand to put in there right now anyway. By the fall we’ll have a sectional made up and in there so we can enjoy the fireplace during the cool winter nights.

I’ve left out pictures of the den because even though its functional, I’m writing this in there right now, it’s a complete mess. The room has turned into the place we put the stuff we don’t really know what to do with. A fair bit of it will end up going to charity but we haven’t decided just quite what that will be right now. The other two bedrooms are in a similar state as we finish off furnishing them.

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